A Coffee Chat With D’s Friends | Kevin Hwang / Director, Head of Marketing
In this episode, we met with Kevin Hwang, the head of the marketing team, to discuss the evolution of marketing in the Web3 industry.

The Root of Web3 Marketing Lies in Content Creation
**Disclaimer) The opinions expressed in this interview are those of the interviewer and do not represent the official statement of DeSpread.
Hello, I’m Eunji Cho at DeSpread. DeSpread is a company of “Degens” who are immersed in the Web 3 industry. Each of our team members has a unique personality, but we share the same DNA: a genuine love for Web 3. We work in a free-spirited atmosphere, but we’re all professionals in our respective fields.
In the 13th Coffee Chat with D’s Friends, we wrapped up an interview with Juhyuk, a content producer and researcher at DeSpread. In this episode, we met with Kevin Hwang, the head of the marketing team, to discuss the evolution of marketing in the Web3 industry.
Kevin has been building his marketing career in the Web3 sector for 7 years. His extensive experience has given him a keen insight into the history and trends of Web3 marketing. Currently, as the leader of the DeSpread marketing team, he is leveraging the data collected over the years to execute sophisticated marketing strategies!

Eunji: Could you please introduce yourself?
“Hello, I’m Kevin, responsible for the roles of Marketing Team Manager and Senior Partner at DeSpread.”
Eunji: I’m curious about the reason you got into Web 3 industry.
“In the summer of 2017, after the first semester of my senior year in college, I moved up to Seoul. It was around this time that I became interested in investing, and I remember Bithumb, a cryptocurrency exchange, listing Ripple for the first time. This investment was my introduction to blockchain, and it naturally led me to study the field. This experience led me to have a high regard for the industry's prospects, and I naturally transitioned into the Web3 space.”
Eunji: What did you do before joining DeSpread?
“I worked at a Web3 company called Blocore, which was established by the parent company Gameberry to handle blockchain-related projects through a task force (TF) team.
I joined Blocore in its early stages when the team was being formed. At this company, I handled a range of tasks related to Web3, including investment, marketing, consulting, and business development. Among these, the marketing team was responsible for the overall process from the initial service design. In fact, during this period, the company achieved significant accomplishments over the year and gained recognition.”
Eunji: Why did you choose DeSpread within Web 3?
“Even before joining DeSpread, I was acquainted with GM and Jason, so I was well aware of the company’s atmosphere. In the Web3 industry, while there is active support within the company to ensure that all members can grow, what I appreciated the most was the autonomous company atmosphere and the environment that allowed me to lead and undertake projects. Upon joining, I indeed felt that it was an environment conducive to pioneering a positive and transparent Web3 landscape.”
Eunji: What do you do at DeSpread?
“I am in charge of overseeing the marketing team. Additionally, I contribute to the entire process of product and service creation, which includes initial service planning, improvement, design, and launching.
I also manage the entire workflow of the marketing team members. I am focused on figuring out how to make the team’s work more efficient and providing guidance on that front. For instance, I oversee everything from processes related to messages delivered to retail, to KPI measurement, to managing internal dashboards for the team. Beyond the marketing team's responsibilities, I am also in charge of the company’s overall operations management and HR.”
Eunji: Do you face any challenges in operating and managing a Web3 organization?
“In the Web3 industry, there are no fixed working hours. Especially since our partner companies are distributed across various countries globally, there are instances where management is required not just in the morning and afternoon but also at night. Since a new issue can arise at any time within the 24-hour cycle, it’s crucial to closely monitor the market. In such a work environment, it seems challenging to distribute and implement work evenly among team members. Direct engagement in practical tasks requires an understanding of the practical resources and taking into account the individual circumstances each member faces.”

Eunji: I heard that you were in charge of the initial setup of DeSpread’s marketing team. Could you tell me about the history of DeSpread’s marketing team?
“Based on the marketing experience I've accumulated in the Web3 sector, I designed the overall initial marketing setup for DeSpread.
In the beginning, we established a marketing definition unique to DeSpread and filled in the data with clear KPIs. I believe that Web3 marketing should primarily focus on ‘brand marketing.’ It’s important to consider the current situation and timing of Web3 companies, and think about how to effectively expose users to the Web3 brand, and after creating content that suits the Web3 company’s brand, how it can be efficiently delivered to users.
Furthermore, we also assign companies to team members based on the accumulated data and the characteristics of the marketing team members. This is because matching companies with the team member’s characteristics can fill the synergy between the company and the team member.”
Eunji: You have been working in marketing within the Web3 sector for more than 7 years. I am curious about any changes in marketing strategies from the past to the present!
“In the past, Web3 marketing was mainly about exposing projects to a broad audience through straightforward marketing. Thus, the only KPIs that could be demonstrated through such marketing were traffic views or screenshots of the marketing and promotional activities implemented by the company. In essence, it was a simple form of web marketing.
However, it has since evolved into a more in-depth form of marketing. Current Web3 marketing distinguishes between different sectors such as on-chain users, project communities, and other communities to provide customized marketing strategies. Unlike before, marketing performance and outcomes now need to be communicated to clients based on objective data.
In summary, if previously marketing success was showcased primarily through simple traffic metrics, now it is derived from analyzing all data occurring both on-chain and off-chain. This approach involves the objective analysis and evaluation of content and data to maximize efficiency.”
Eunji: Many renowned global blockchain projects have been reaching out for collaboration with DeSpread. What do you think is the reason behind this, and what are DeSpread's strengths?
“Many people seem to think of marketing and consulting as separate entities. However, I believe that marketing is a part of consulting.
While other Web3 marketing firms might stop at general marketing and promotion, DeSpread, as a Web3 consulting firm, considers marketing to be one of the aspects of consulting. Therefore, I think DeSpread has been able to survive for a long time and establish itself as a promising company because it has aimed to provide the industry with proper consulting, not just project promotion.
Moreover, understanding the status of the community and grasping the domestic Web3 industry, it’s essential to offer projects new ideas and feedback to guide their direction while also proposing retail strategies.
I believe that DeSpread has been able to maintain its strengths consistently since 2019 because it has taken on such tasks.”
Eunji: I'm curious about the advantages and disadvantages of the Web3 industry that you have noticed during your long tenure in the field!
“I think the rapid change in trends is both an advantage and a disadvantage.
In the Web3 industry, trends can shift from day to day or week to week. Compared to other sectors, the constant change in trends means that if one can adapt well to this environment, they can leverage their skills depending on how they apply these trends.
On the flip side, because trends change so quickly, failing to monitor the market for just a few days can lead to obsolescence. This situation can also give rise to FOMO (fear of missing out). Consequently, this may trigger what's known as ‘exit blockchain’ phenomena, where individuals decide to leave the industry.
To quickly grasp trends, it’s beneficial to continuously monitor the market and participate in communities. However, community participation should not be limited to mere chatting; it should facilitate the generation of ideas through active involvement.”

Eunji: What qualities do you think a Web3 marketer should possess?
“I believe the root of Web3 marketing lies in content creation. Web3 marketing is closest to brand marketing among marketing products. It involves processing content in various ways to deliver to users, and constantly pondering how to present content is the core value of Web3 marketing. The key here is to create content in the right direction and ensure it is easy for the users encountering the content to understand.”
Eunji: Please share a message for new marketers starting in Web3 marketing!
“I believe Web3 marketing is like a ‘blank canvas’ compared to traditional marketing. It’s an industry more conducive to applying new ideas and experimenting, especially when compared to the conventional Web2 sector. Therefore, the opportunities for individuals to unfold their potential are limitless.
If one wishes to become a Web3 marketer, it’s crucial to constantly monitor projects and communities to enhance understanding. By providing unique insights within this environment, I think one can experience significant growth. Ultimately, in the Web3 sector, having your own insights is of utmost importance.”
Eunji: Are there any areas or projects within the Web3 industry that have recently caught your interest?
“I’ve always considered intellectual property (IP) to be of utmost importance and of great interest. Although Web3 has a relatively high barrier to entry, I believe that Web2 users transitioning to Web3 should utilize familiar IPs.
A recent example is MapleStory’s introduction of MapleLand, which I think was a clear showcase of intellectual property rights. While it may not have had a groundbreaking impact within the industry, it allowed former MapleStory players to reminisce about the past, and this nostalgia factor garnered attention.
Just like the case with MapleLand, if we leverage existing IPs that evoke a sense of nostalgia, I believe users unfamiliar with Web3 will find it more approachable. In this sense, even new products and projects with low brand recognition can trigger mass adoption if they utilize familiar IPs.”
Eunji: Do you have any personal goals you want to achieve at DeSpread this year?
“Everyone at DeSpread aims to create an environment through which members can systematically grow into industry leaders.
This aspiration has been in my mind for a while, but now that I’m in charge of HR at DeSpread, my desire for this has grown even stronger. I want to contribute to ensuring that all members can grow alongside the Web3 industry in the future.”

DeSpread’s Mission
DeSpread provides refined perspective for web 3 pioneers.