DeSpread is set to participate as a partner in WebX 2024, taking place from August 28th to 29th in Tokyo, Japan.

WebX 2024 is a global Web3 conference organized and managed by CoinPost, Japan's largest cryptocurrency and Web3 media outlet. In particular, the speech by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is scheduled and has garnered attention from many people.

1. WebX 2024

WebX 2024, taking place from August 28th to 29th will feature approximately 180 companies, about 250 speakers and around 130 media partners. Focusing on “Accelerating the Adoption and Social Implementation of Web3 Technologies,” the event will offer opportunities to gain business insights and build connections, thereby contributing to the advancement of Web3 technologies.

The event will feature various events including on-site speaker sessions featuring prominent speakers, exhibition areas showcasing over 180 companies from outside the Web3 industry and IP & gaming areas.

2. Unlock the Bitcoin Economy

DeSpread and CryptoTimes, a leading crypto media in Japan are co-hosting "Unlock the Bitcoin Economy", a side event during WebX 2024.

This event focuses on the rapidly expanding global Bitcoin ecosystem. Projects such as the Stacks Foundation, which develops Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, and Zeus Network, which facilitates trustless BTC transactions on the Solana blockchain, will be participating and provide a platform for discussing the future of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

For more details on WebX 2024 and Unlock the Bitcoin Economy, please visit the links below:

▪ WebX 2024 Official Website:
▪ WebX 2024 Side Events:
▪ WebX 2024 Ticketing Link:
* DeSpread Discount Code: discount_despread
▪ Unlock the Bitcoin Economy Ticketing Link: